Sunday, September 21, 2008


What is a fanatic?...let me see the dictionary defines fanatic as pertaining to, or indicating fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic. Today our sermon started a two part series on FANATIC.

We were told to wear to church today something that represents what we are a fan of. I would have carried big shopping bags in my hand if I didn't have to carry Sophie since I am a fan of shopping , anyway I went ahead and wore my Manning jersey. Lee of course wore his Colts jersey too and I decked the girls out in MSU outfits!! Pastor M used Lee as an example of a fanatic... and you all that know him well, know that he is a TRUE FANATIC of the Indianapolis Colts and here in the last few years has gotten fanatical about the Tennessee Vols too! Man I thought I could only handle him being a fanatic of ONE team, and now we have two. Pray for me ladies!!!

Pastor M talked about how when we are watching a game or getting into whatever it is we are fans of we scream and cheer and act obnoxious and get upset or disappointed when we lose...well do we do that for God? It would be great if we could all be fanatics of God!! It was a fun and cool message today!

I am a huge fan of God, however I am not fanatical about him like I should be. So look out if you hear or see some screaming, cheering and obnoxious behavior my goal this week is to become a TRUE FANATIC for Christ!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Real Life Church

As most of you already know from talking with Lee and I over the last few months God pretty much called us to be a part of a new church planting in Columbus-- Real Life Church. We have been meeting in the Malco Cinema theatre since the last week in April. It has been great but we have been praying for a more permanent home and our prayers were answered and we finally got a building!!! YEAHH!! I just wanted to show some pictures of what they have all been working on days and nights to get renovated so we can have service the first weekend in October. We have really been blessed with Martin and April and the everyone else who makes Real Life Church what is. God is at work in our lives and many others every day and it so amazing to see those kinds of changes! This scripture says it all...

then he said to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field Matthew 9: 37-38

Praise God for giving us this church and changing our lives so that WE could be prepared to serve him and spread the good word to others!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Practicing with the scissors

Hello everyone today Caroline asked me for her school scissors so she could practice cutting like she does at school with paper (she just started preschool) and so i get them for her. In the meantime I am doing something else around the house and she comes up and goes "mom i cut my hair" Caroline had cut this nice little short layer on the left side of her head and I just about lost it. I know I know we have all heard the story lots of kids have done it before and it's no big deal! Yes it is! The thing is I really don't think it is such a huge deal but I just tend to make mountains out of molehills right now...please pray for me. I am asking God everyday to help me with this. I love my girls and LOVE being a mother it is the most incredible thing and God has truly blessed us, but some days I think whew!