As most of you already know from talking with Lee and I over the last few months God pretty much called us to be a part of a new church planting in Columbus-- Real Life Church. We have been meeting in the Malco Cinema theatre since the last week in April. It has been great but we have been praying for a more permanent home and our prayers were answered and we finally got a building!!! YEAHH!! I just wanted to show some pictures of what they have all been working on days and nights to get renovated so we can have service the first weekend in October. We have really been blessed with Martin and April and the everyone else who makes Real Life Church what is. God is at work in our lives and many others every day and it so amazing to see those kinds of changes! This scripture says it all...
then he said to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field Matthew 9: 37-38
Praise God for giving us this church and changing our lives so that WE could be prepared to serve him and spread the good word to others!
then he said to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field Matthew 9: 37-38
Praise God for giving us this church and changing our lives so that WE could be prepared to serve him and spread the good word to others!
wow! Isn't God AWESOME!!! We are so excited to see what he is doing in Columbus, MS. We are so thankful to have you and Lee a part of RLC. You guys are a HUGE blessing.
Thanks again,
Hey Heather!!! So nice to meet you!! I absolutely adore Jill so I know you are equally amazing! What a crazy internet world huh?!
I think what you and your hubs are doing is simply amazing. And, I love the name of the church. ;) Nothin like some 'real life!'
I'll be adding you to my favorites and get caught up with the rest of your blog now!
Happy weekend!
Hugs and blessings,
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